
“Regional engineering center of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan ” supports the conference of young scientists of KSTU

On 13-14th  of  May Kazan State Technological University (KSTU n.a Kirov) will host the XIV International conference of young scientists “Food technology and biotechnology.”

Such activities aim to become a meeting place for students and graduate students with the representatives of SMEs, the scientific community and employees of enterprises.

Main sections of topics:

  1. “Food production technology”
  2. “Technology equipment, processes and devices of food production»
  3. “Food Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals”
  4. “Industrial biotechnology. Processing of raw materials and waste “
  5. “The technology of products of functional nutrition “
  6. “The technology of food of animal origin”
  7. “Packaging of food products”
  8. “Analysis, ecology, quality control and food safety”
  9. “Catering”
  10. “Economics of food industry”

“Such events are incentive for development, not only the young scientists but also production. This is a quick way to introduce innovations, reduce the search time for new solutions “- comments the Managing partner of REC of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Titov.

Link to event: