
The Republican professional conference-exhibition “Biotechnology in the Republic of Tatarstan – the state and prospects”

December 23, 2015 the Republican professional conference -exhibition “Biotechnology in the Republic of Tatarstan – the state and prospects” was held in the exhibition center “Kazan Fair”. The event organizer was JSC “REC of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

The event was opened by the General Director of JSC “REC of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan” – Shevchenko A.M.

Round table “Biotechnological projects of the Republic of Tatarstan – current state, problems and perspectives of accomplishment”

November 26, 2015 JSC “REC of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan ” with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, held a round table “Biotechnological projects of the Republic of Tatarstan – current state, problems and prospectives of accomplishment”. The event was held in the conference hall of “Shalyapin Palace Hotel”.

Conference of entrepreneurs of Кama-Ustinsky Municipal Region RT

March 4, in  Kamskoe Ustie  the Regional engineering centre of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan organized a conference of entrepreneurs of Kama-Ustinsky MR RT. The main topic was the creation of an industrial platform for the processing of agricultural products in the region which is regarded as part of the economic development of the region.

The conference was attended by nearly 100 people – entrepreneurs, farmers, agricultural producers and heads of civil services of the area.

Meeting “Support, development and protection of the entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tatarstan”

Format: meeting

Venue: Conference hall CCI

Conducts the meeting: Abdullin Rinat Azgarovich – First Deputy Head of the Executive Committee

Zdunov Artem Alekseevich
Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan

Titov Roman Vladimirovich
Managing Partner of JSC “REC of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan”

Nagumanov Timur Dmitrievich
Commissioner for the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs

Ageev Shamil Rakhimovi

Round table conference “Models of the state support of engineering centers”

There the representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade RF, the Ministry of Education RF, FSII “RFTD”, representatives of infrastructure of support of the innovation activities, regional engineering centers, and universities took part in the conference. The moderator of the event was Knyaginin Vladimir N. – the President of “The Center for Strategic Research Foundation “Moscow”.

Orientational workshop of Joint Stock Company “Regional engineering center of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan”

The workshop of Joint Stock Company “Regional engineering center of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan” was held on December 16, 2014 on the territory of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan. The event topic: “Regional engineering center of biotechnology of the Republic of Tatarstan – beginning of the work, development: from support of small and medium-sized enterprises to the creation of the cluster in the field of biotechnology in the region.